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/ Technical background papers / Chinese


This paper (1.98 MB) focuses on the implications for poverty reduction of taking an IWRM approach. The paper argues that no strategy for poverty reduction can be effective unless water policies in all their dimensions are brought within it purview, and IWRM is adopted which allows competitions over access and uses to be fairly and transparently moderated. The paper (593.6 KB) is divided into two main parts. The first part puts forward a strong case for applying IWRM globally and defines the IWRM concept and process. The second part provides additional advice and guidance on how IWRM could be implemented in different conditions. The Chinese version.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / Chinese

催化变革 制定水资源综合管理(IWRM)和提高用水效率 战略 的手册

This handbook seeks to provide countries with the knowledge they need to act on the WSSD action target in the way that is most useful for them. Strategies should catalyze action, not retard it. Each country must decide the scope and timeline for change based on its goals and its resources. The important thing is to take the first steps. The Chinese version.
/ Technical background papers / Chinese


Цель данной работы состоит в том, чтобы представить логически последовательное всестороннее исследование такого понятия как руководство водой и показать, как оно связано с управлением и развитием водных ресурсов.
/ Technical background papers / Chinese


This paper (345 KB) attepmts to address different risk categories that water managers and water users are faced. It argues that risk managment is a distributive issue that cannot be treated solely as a technical matter best handled by experts. It involves the allocation of wealth and welfare between water sectors, communities and individual users; those affected need to be involved in decision making. The Chinese version.
/ Technical background papers / Chinese


The paper (593.6 KB) is divided into two main parts. The first part puts forward a strong case for applying IWRM globally and defines the IWRM concept and process. The second part provides additional advice and guidance on how IWRM could be implemented in different conditions. The Chinese version.