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Total hits: 718
/ Brochures, Case studies, IWRM tools, Reports/proceedings, Technical background papers / English

SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme Senegal

The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme as implemented in Senegal through the "Initiative to support the acceleration of the implementation of the IWRM Action Plan - PAGIRE 2018-2030 of Senegal" by the MINISTRY OF WATER AND SANITATION through the Directorate of Water Resources Management and Planning (DGPRE) in collaboration with the Country Water Partnership of Senegal (PNES).
/ Brochures, Case studies, IWRM tools, Reports/proceedings, Technical background papers, Technical briefs / English

SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme in Mali

The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme was implemented in Mali through the initiative calle "SUPPORTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TARGET 6.5 OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL (SDG) 6 ON WATER MANAGEMENT IN MALI." A collaborative action between the Country Water Partnership of Mali (PNE MALI) and the Ministry of Energy and Water through the National Directorate of Hydraulics (DNH).
/ Brochures, IWRM tools, Technical background papers / Français

Running Water

/ Brochures, Reports/proceedings / Français

Rapport Annuel 2016

Le rapport annuel 2016 donne un aperçu des principaux résultats réalisés par GWP Afrique de l'Ouest dans la mise en oeuvre de ses activités, programmes, projets et différentes initiatives. Il donne les orientations sur les actions futures.