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/ Case studies / English

Uganda: How effective are environmental policies in Uganda? (#397)

Uganda is currently experiencing rapid depletion of water resources, which, in addition to ecological challenges, is leading to conflicts in some parts of the country. The Ugandan government has taken action and formulated policies and policy regimes to regulate land use and impacts on the environment. Despite the existence of laws and regulations, this case study illustrates the discrepancy between policy formulation and the reality of implementation on the ground. 

/ Case studies / English

Cameroon: Local initiative to protect Lake Ossa (#363)

The Lake Ossa complex is faced with unsustainable fishing practices, habitat destruction and deteriorated water quality. These trends have severe negative impact on the livelihoods of people, leading to further unsustainable over-exploitation. To combat these developments, a sustainable livelihood approach has been applied to foster collaboration among stakeholders. From this experience, it is evident that active local NGOs can be vehicles for facilitating dialogue and mobilising different stakeholders. 

/ Perspectives papers / English

Groundwater Resources and Irrigated Agriculture

This paper provides an overview of the current situation in patterns and drivers of intensive groundwater use, the ways in which sustainability can be improved in “groundwater-only” irrigation areas and conjunctive use in major alluvial canal commands, and considers the future outlook. This is a Perspectives Paper, meant to incite a discussion on important issues related to water and development.
/ Briefing notes / English

No food security without water security

Agricultural irrigation uses 70-75% of global freshwater withdrawals and up to 95% in South and Central Asia. These withdrawals are expected to increase as the appetite for water-intensive foods grows in rising-income nations. This briefing note lays out several aspects of sustainable water management for agriculture and food security. Briefing notes are two-page summaries on selected topics. They are prepared by GWP’s Global Secretariat and its partners.
/ Case studies / Spanish

Peru: Aguas tratadas - Gestion participativa comunal y su impacto en el desarrollo humano y de los ecosistemas

The lowland valley of Chancay-Lambayeque watershed is scarce of water resources. Farmers cultivated their fields with water abstracted from nearby waste water collectors. This source of irrigation was rich in nutrients. However, these practices imposed health risks to local farmers caused be a contamination of food production by insufficiently treated waste water. The situation worsened in the years 1983-84, with cholera epidemic. Authorities took advantage of this opportunity to move local community. Facing this situation the farmers undertook the struggle for: a) remain in the area, community land, and b) that treated waters were used for agricultural production instead of forestation, as Chiclayo Municipality proposed. The Spanish version.