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/ South Asia

The Gonadika women managing food security

“I am glad that within this short period, I was able to harvest more than 50 kilograms of cassava from the plot allocated to me which I shared with my fellow farmer families and sold the rest in the village market. I especially thank GWP Sri Lanka/SLWP for being with us from the beginning and supporting us in finding planting materials and training us on water efficient home gardening”.
/ Central Africa

GWP-Central Africa has a new regional chair

GWP-Central Africa welcomes a new regional chair, marking a pivotal moment in its commitment towards promoting integrated water resource management within the region. The new chair and head of the regional steering committee, Herve Didas Amboulou, was sworn in during the 10th regional general assembly, which was held on December 9th in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
/ Global, Southern Africa

Building trust and using water data for successful water negotiations

Countries sharing transboundary river basins often have conflicting demands over the available amount of water to be divided among them. Reaching an agreement often relies on available water data and forecasting. Negotiations over a water-sharing agreement or basin management arrangement benefit greatly from trust-building exercises, for example, conducting joint water data analyses or integrating scientific knowledge about water into the management decisions.
/ Central Africa

GWL: Advocating for IWRM in the Central African Republic’s revised Environmental Code

Through the Global Water Leadership Program in a Changing Climate program (GWL) in CAR, the Ministry of Energy Development and Water Resources, with the support of the Central African Republic Country Water Partnership (GWP-CAR), organized a national workshop on December 18–19, 2023, in Bangui, CAR, to reflect on and contribute to the revision of the country’s Environmental Code.