Accelerating IWRM Monitoring and Implementation in 60+ Countries

As part of the UN SDG 6 Data Drive, the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme is substantially scaling up its efforts in 2020 by facilitating 60+ in-country processes across the world to assist national stocktaking and reporting, and more importantly, to support transformative action towards a greater implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme was set up to help countries streamline their approach to IWRM, as a contribution to the achievement of the water-related targets established in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda. The Programme – which is coordinated by GWP in collaboration with the UNEP-DHI Centre and Cap-Net UNDP, under the guidance of the UN Environment Programme – helps countries to design and implement responses that promote and accelerate measurable progress towards SDG target 6.5 – the degree of implementation of IWRM.

The Programme is organised around three stages: Stage 1 – Identify challenges from SDG reporting, Stage 2 – Formulate responses, Stage 3 – Implement solutions. In 2017-18 from a total of 36 countries were supported to carry out stage 1 consultations, around the status and opportunities around IWRM, and in December 2019, the first lessons of the stage 2 work were presented, paving the way for the next steps. The status of countries to be supported in 2020 can be viewed through an interactive map (use the left side menu to see where the different stages are at), which will be constantly updated to reflect the progress.

“By assisting 60 countries this year in identifying their IWRM-related opportunities in a multi-stakeholder context, the Support Programme will be generating a series of highly bankable projects, which will be all set to quantifiably move the needle on the water-related SDGs” said Colin Herron, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, SDG 6 Programme at GWP. “The Support Programme will then support countries in turning those opportunities into a significant investment portfolio to be presented to donors, with the aim of facilitating the multi-annual implementation of those priorities”.

"With the Support Programme, we see an opportunity to assist countries on their path to sustainable development through the coordinated development and management of their water, land and related resources”, said Joakim Harlin, Head of UNEP’s Freshwater Unit. “The SDG IWRM target is a connector between and catalyst to achieve many different SDG targets, as well as towards other global frameworks such as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Paris Agreement.”

Photo: A SDG 6 workshop was held in Guatemala in February 2019.