Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP)

GWP is responding to the climate change challenge through the Global Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP) which includes a portfolio of programmes and projects aiming to build climate resilience through better water management. The WACDEP programmes and projects are developed by GWP Regional Water Partnerships in collaboration with relevant governments and regional economic development communities:

Regional Water, Climate and Development Programmes (WACDEP)

• In Africa, focusing on putting in place investments for water security and climate resilience and jointly implemented with African Union and African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW).

• In Asia and Caucasus, focusing on the integration of water security and climate resilience in development planning processes and putting in place investments for water security and climate resilience in ChinaSouth Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia and Caucasus.

• In the Caribbean, focusing on promoting water security and climate resilience in Caribbean states for sustainable development, implemented in partnership with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) at the regional and country level.

• In Latin America, focusing on water security for climate change adaptation and supporting the integration of water security and climate change adaptation into development planning processes and investments in Central America and South America.