
The climate in Somalia is mainly arid to semi-arid, with an average annual daytime temperature of 27ºC. Somalia is located in an extreme water scarce area, where most of the available water resources exist in rivers shared with neighboring countries and demand for water is increasing due to the population and urban growth.Somalia is lacking, not only easily available water resources, both also the human and financial resources to set up institutions and water infrastructures that are desperately needed. 

Moreover, facilities that have previously been set up for water supply and irrigation were totally destroyed during the civil war.

However, Somalia has untapped reserves of numerous natural resources, including uranium, ironore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt and natural gas. Due to its proximity to the oil-rich Gulf Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the nation is also believed to contain substantial unexploited reserves of oil.

Key Water Issues and Challenges

  • Food insecurity and famine
  • Desertification
  • Use of contaminated water that contributes to human health problems;
  • Deforestation;
  • Overgrazing;
  • Floods
  • Soil erosion


Contact GWP Somalia 

Asli Ismail Duale

GWPEA Regional Steering Committee Member

GWP Steering Committee Member

Chair of Somalia Country Water Partnership



Eng. Omar Shurie

GWPEA Regional Steering Committee Member

Vice Chair of Somali Country Water Partnership



More Information

AQUASTAT -FAO's Information System on Water and Agriculture

UN-Water Statistics
