
All actions for Panama

Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 1 - Promote ownership of National Water Resources Policy by all national stakeholders

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1a. National policy
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, DSH and Planning, CONAGUA
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 2 - Achieve approval of the draft law to update the rules regulating IWRM

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1b. National law(s)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, Water Security Directorate, Legislative Assembly
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 3 - Approval of new regulations on environmental flows

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1b. National law(s)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, Water Security Directorate, Climate Change
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 4 - Update Law 44 pertaining to River Basin Committees

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.2d. Sub-national regulations
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, Water Security Directorate, Legislative Assembly
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 5 – Prepare and implement the Sewer Network and Wastewater Treatment Master Plan 2022-2052

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1a. National policy
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse
Responsible Agency: National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN)
Timeline for implementation: 2022
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 6 – Promote transboundary basin management agreements

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.2c. Transboundary arrangements
Level: Transboundary
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Panama - Enabling Environment

Action 7 – Climate Change Plan for Integrated Basin Management

IWRM Dimension: Enabling Environment
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 1.1c. National IWRM plans
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: 5. Gender equality, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 13. Climate action
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, DCC-DSH, Panama Climate Change National Committee
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2025
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 8 - Promote the development of technical standards and procedures to calculate Water Footprints and Carbon Footprints in Agricultural Products.

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1b. Cross-sectors coordination
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: 2. Zero Hunger, - 6.4 Water efficiency
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, MIDA, CATHALAC, Industrial Union, Fundación Natura
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 9 - Implement best practices for sustainable land management and restoration of productive landscapes with large-scale agroforestry

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1c. Public participation - national
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: 15. Life on land
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, DSH, MEF, MIDA, CATHALAC, Fundación Natura, NGOs
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 10 – Develop a participatory awareness-raising-dissemination strategy for the PAGIRH to foster collaboration in its implementation

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1c. Public participation - national
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 17. Partnerships for the goals
Responsible Agency: GWP, CATIE, MIDA, Ministry of the Environment
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 11 - Design and develop a Diploma Course on Effective Operation of Basin Committees in Panama with a gender approach

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1e. Developing IWRM capacity
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: 5. Gender equality, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, MEDUCA, NGOs, basin committee members
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 12 – Build water users’ administrative and organizational capacities (Basin Committees)

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.2a. Basin/aquifer organizations
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: MINSA, MIDA, NGOs, Ministry of the Environment
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 13 – Build private sector capacity to comply with subnational regulations

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1d. Private sector participation
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: CONEP, APEDE, Industrial Union
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 14 – Build the capacity of water sector technicians

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1e. Developing IWRM capacity
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: CONAGUA, CONAPHI, Academia, Private sector, International Cooperation, NGOs, AECID, JICA, CCAD, Ministry of the Environment
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 15 - Promote local actors' engagement in implementation of the Increase Water Resilience Project

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.2b. Public participation - local
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, - 6.B WASH local participation, 13. Climate action
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 16 – Develop the National Climate Data System, with participation by the private sector

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2c. Data sharing (in country)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 13. Climate action
Responsible Agency: Action 16 – Develop the National Climate Data System, with participation by the private sector
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 17 - Strengthen and/or increase the network of hydrometeorological stations at the basin level

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1a. Water availability monitoring
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Panama Meteorology and Hydrology Institute (IMPHA), ACP, ETESA, MIDA, Ministry of the Environment
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 18 - Establish the Panama Meteorology and Hydrology Institute

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1a. National institutions
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Panama Meteorology and Hydrology Institute (IMHPA), ETESA Ministry of the Environment, NGOs
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Institutions and Participation

Action 19 – Establish and Strengthen the Water Quality Laboratory

IWRM Dimension: Institutions and Participation
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 2.1a. National institutions
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse
Responsible Agency: Environmental Performance Verification Directorate DIVED, Ministry of the Environment
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 20 - Strengthen environmental management instruments

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse
Responsible Agency: Environmental Performance Verification Directorate - DIVEDA, Ministry of the Environment
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 21 – Prepare water use balance study for sources under water stress or experiencing high demand

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH, NGOs, ACP, Smithsonian Institution, Basin committees
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 22 – Establish environmental flows for water sources experiencing higher demand

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1b. Sustainable, efficient use management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 23 – Strengthen groundwater studies

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1a. Water availability monitoring
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.4 Water efficiency, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH, NGOs, MIDA
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 24 – Strengthen the water information module in SINIA (Environmental Information System)

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2c. Data sharing (in country)
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: DSH and Environmental Information Directorate, Ministry of the Environment
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 25 – Prepare Detailed Assessment (DP)

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2a. Basin management instruments
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 26 – Prepare Environmental Land Use Plans (POAT)

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1d. Ecosystems management
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 27 – Prepare Management Plans at the basin level

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.2a. Basin management instruments
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 28 – Monitor surface water quality in main rivers at the national level

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1c. Pollution control
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.3 Water quality, treatment, safe reuse
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 29 – Capacity development in seawater monitoring methodology

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1a. Water availability monitoring
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 14. Life below water
Responsible Agency: ARAP, Universities, UMIP
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Management Instruments

Action 30 – Prepare climate risk maps and a vulnerability index for Panama

IWRM Dimension: Management Instruments
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 3.1e. Disaster risk reduction
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 13. Climate action
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment – DCC, Panama Climate Change National Committee
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Financing

Action 31 – Establish a cooperation roundtable for State institutions

IWRM Dimension: Financing
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.1b. National budget for IWRM elements
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment, MIDA, MINSA, NDT (member institutions)
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Financing

Action 32 – Establish coordination platforms with NGOs prioritized by the Ministry of the Environment and the private sector

IWRM Dimension: Financing
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.2c. Financing for transboundary cooperation
Level: Transboundary
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, - 6.A WASH cooperation and capacity building
Responsible Agency: "DSH (responsible), MIDAMINSA, NDT (member institutions), Binational Sixaola Project (Panamá -Costa Rica)"
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Financing

Action 33 - Prepare a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund

IWRM Dimension: Financing
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.2b. Revenues raised for IWRM elements
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, 13. Climate action
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment -DSH-DCC, GWP, CABEI, FAO, UNEP, UNDP
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024
Panama - Financing

Action 34 - Create municipal community projects to address water governance elements at the local level

IWRM Dimension: Financing
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.2d. Sub-national or basin budgets for IWRM elements
Level: Sub-national
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation, - 6.B WASH local participation
Responsible Agency: "Ministry of the Environment –DSH. AMUPA, Proposed NGO Table"
Panama - Financing

Action 35 - Review water fee rates, as well as initial water use inspection fees and annual fees

IWRM Dimension: Financing
SDG 6.5.1 Question: 4.2b. Revenues raised for IWRM elements
Level: National
Status of action: Awaiting funding
Related SDG Goal: - 6.1 Safe drinking water, - 6.4 Water efficiency, - 6.5 Integrated water resources management & transboundary cooperation
Responsible Agency: Ministry of the Environment - DSH
Timeline for implementation: 2022-2024