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/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

Guidelines on the Use of Urine and Faeces in Crop Production (EcoSanRes publication series)

The framework for microbial exposure control and management in relation to the use of wastewater and excreta was developed and published by WHO in the 1980s (WHO, 1989). These guidelines are currently under revision. Within this current EcoSanRes report, the focus is on treatment and handling of faeces and urine, accounting for current information of risk management and circumscribing to a source-separation strategy..
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / English

Catalyzing Change: Handbook for Developing IWRM and Water Efficiency Strategies

This handbook seeks to provide countries with the knowledge they need to act on the action target set at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in the way that is most useful for them. Strategies should catalyse action, not retard it. Each country must decide the scope and timeline for change based on its goals and its resources. The important thing is to take the first steps.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / Spanish

Estimulando el cambio: Un manual para el desarrollo de estrategias de gestión integrada de recursos hídricos (GIRH) y de optimización del agua

This handbook seeks to provide countries with the knowledge they need to act on the WSSD action target in the way that is most useful for them. Strategies should catalyze action, not retard it. Each country must decide the scope and timeline for change based on its goals and its resources. The important thing is to take the first steps. The Spanish version.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / French

Catalyser le changement: manuel de développement de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau (GIRE) et des stratégies d’efficience de l’eau

Ce manuel vise à fournir aux pays les connaissances dont ils ont besoin pour agir sur les cibles d'action données par le Sommet Mondial du Développement Durable, de la manière la plus utile pour eux. Les stratégies devraient catalyser l'action et non pas la retarder. Chaque pays doit décider de la portée et du calendrier du changement en fonction de ses objectifs et de ses ressources. La chose la plus importante est de faire le premier pas vers le changement. The French version.
/ Handbooks/Manuals/Guidelines / Portuguese

Catalisando a Mudança: Um manual para desenvolver a gestão integrada de recursos hídricos (GIRH) e estratégias de uso eficiente da água

This handbook seeks to provide countries with the knowledge they need to act on the WSSD action target in the way that is most useful for them. Strategies should catalyze action, not retard it. Each country must decide the scope and timeline for change based on its goals and its resources. The important thing is to take the first steps. The Portuguese version.