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Total hits: 109
/ Technical background papers / English

Integrated Urban Water Management

This paper helps details the shift from a “silo” approach that attempts to manage different aspects of urban water cycle in isolation to an integrated approach. IUWM calls for the alignment of urban development and basin management to achieve sustainable economic, social, and environmental goals. This is a Technical Background Paper, written by the GWP Technical Committee, a group of internationally recognised professionals in integrated water resources management.
/ Perspectives papers / English

Towards Integrated Urban Water Management

If left unattended, the twin engines of urbanisation and resource depletion will undermine efforts to achieve and sustain water security: water availability and access will be eroded and conflicts over use will escalate. Integrated Urban Water Management is a way to prevent that, which is explored in this paper. It is a Perspectives Paper, meant to incite a discussion on important issues related to water and development.
/ Perspectives papers / Spanish

Hacia una gestión integrada de aguas urbanas

If left unattended, the twin engines of urbanisation and resource depletion will undermine efforts to achieve and sustain water security: water availability and access will be eroded and conflicts over use will escalate. The Spanish version.