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/ Mediterranean

The MedProgramme continues its efforts to assist Lebanon in advancing with sustainable natural resources management and water, food and energy security

The 2nd Multi-stakeholder Consultation in Lebanon consolidated MedProgramme’s engagement towards sustainability in the Mediterranean Region through the promotion of synergistic efforts among the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach, the preparation of a strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and conjunctive surface and groundwater management interventions.
/ West Africa

Closing meeting of the TFTC 2 project in Benin

The closing workshop of phase 2 of the TonFuturTonClimat project in Benin was held on 28 March 2023 in Tanguiéta. The country project "Mobilisation of youth associations for a better management of water resources in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the Pendjari basin" aimed at improving the sustainable management of natural and related resources in the Tchoutchoubou micro-basin in the Pendjari sub-basin through a strong involvement of youth.
/ South Asia

South Asia Youth Water Challenge 2023: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Brandix Apparel Limited, GWP SAS, and Youth and Young Water Professionals (YYPP), South Asia are launching the “South Asia Youth Water Challenge 2023” to provide opportunities and empower the younger generation to create meaningful impact and change while contributing to the sustainable development goals.
/ West Africa

Mekrou Project enables 25 women to make market gardening in Belandè, Niger

As part of the implementation of the pilot initiatives of the Water Development and Management Plan (SAGE) of the Niger portion of Mékrou, the Mekrou phase 2 Niger project financed by the European Union has rehabilitated the Belandè multi-village mini drinking water supply system with an extension of the standpipes.