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/ China

Call For Inputs to the 24th IAHR-APD Congress 2024 in China

The 24th IAHR-APD Congress will be kicked off on October 14-17, 2024 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. It is hosted by International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research Asia and Pacific Division (IAHR-APD), organized by Changjiang River Scientific Research Insititute (CRSRI) and Sichuan University (SCU), and jointly supported by GWP China Yangtze River Basin Water Partnership.
/ Southern Africa

Progressos notáveis registados na gestão de cheias e secas em BUPUSA

Os governos de Moçambique e do Zimbabué registaram progressos notáveis na construção de resiliência contra os choques climáticos, incluindo cheias e secas nas Bacias dos Rios Búzi, Pungoé e Save (BUPUSA), partilhadas exclusivamente pelos dois países.
/ South Asia

The Gonadika women managing food security

“I am glad that within this short period, I was able to harvest more than 50 kilograms of cassava from the plot allocated to me which I shared with my fellow farmer families and sold the rest in the village market. I especially thank GWP Sri Lanka/SLWP for being with us from the beginning and supporting us in finding planting materials and training us on water efficient home gardening”.