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/ West Africa

WACDEP-G Benin, demonstration project launched

The Climate Resilience Investment Demonstration Project for Water Security and Climate Resilience under the AIP WACDEP-G Programme was launched on 27 April 2022 at the Hotel Quidata in Tanguiéta, Benin.
/ West Africa

TFTC 2 in Togo trains on agroecological practices

In Kpélé, Togo, 20 delegates designated by beneficiaries were trained as trainers on agroecological practices so to allow them give feedback when they are back in their respective communities.
/ Southeast Asia

FAO’s Real Water Savings (REWAS) in Agriculture Online Training

Real Water Savings (REWAS) in agriculture online training for Indonesia was the latest collaboration between GWP-SEA Regional Secretariat and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Real Water Savings (REWAS) is a simple tool to estimate the potential for generating real water savings from various agronomic, water management and technical practices in irrigated agriculture. The tool was developed by Future Water as part of RAP’s developing regional program on water scarcity in Asia and the Pacific. So far successful trainings have been held in Nepal, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Thailand and Iran, with very positive feedback from participants.