An International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa, which draws representatives from current and former Heads of State as well as other global leaders, has been launched at the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal.
Today marks the 2022 World Water Day celebration. The GWP CEE Water in the Circular Economy Taskforce prepared a report from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia
“I want to invite all of you today to focus on partnerships because of the importance of tackling the biggest challenge with water – whether it’s scarcity, floods, climate patterns – is working together,” says GWP Executive Secretary Darío Soto-Abril in his message for World Water Day from Dakar, Senegal, where he is participating in the 9th World Water Forum.
A comprehensive new course – the SDG 6.5.1 IWRMAction Planning course – will equip participants with the tools needed to design and implement an inclusive and successful integrated water resources management (IWRM)Action Plan.
In celebration of this year’s International Women’s Day commemorated under the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, the female staff of the regional secretariat of GWP-Central Africa, took part in a training on good practices of vegetative propagation in agroforestry to promote climate adaptation and build resilience.
(09/2022/ MED-PPG)
The Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer. The successful candidate will be hired by the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), a civil non-profit society based in Greece, in its capacity as Host Institute for GWP-Med.
Twenty young water and climate professionals from Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, France and Sweden form the first cohort of the Youth for Water and Climate Program.
As Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, and other countries in Southern Africa take stock of the ravaging effects of Cyclone Ana, the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and Africa Coordination (GWPSA-Africa) has called for increased financing and better commitment to climate resilience by national governments and development partners.
Alex Simalabwi, Executive Secretary of Global Water Partnership in Africa, host of the Technical Support Unit of the AIP, reflects on the year in water that was 2021 and outlines priorities to secure Africa’s water needs for the year ahead.