Strategic Context

Global Water Partnership Southern Africa’s (GWPSA) work programme is guided by the GWP Strategy 2020-2025 Mobilising for a Water Secure World, which emphasises mobilising water investments while also engaging the private sector, ensuring youth participation in decision making, and taking a gender transformative approach to water-secure development.

The new GWP Strategy focuses on three main areas of work:

Water Solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

GWPSA will support work on the policies and investment plans that help countries resolve water-related trade-offs inherent in achieving the SDGs. We will continue supporting countries to assess their progress towards integrated water resources management targets as set through SDG 6.5.1 on Integrated Water Resource Management.

Climate-Resilient Development

GWPSA will introduce water-specific insights into national dialogues, planning, and investments associated with climate resilience-related development priorities. We will continue promoting investment in resilience-building water infrastructure, both built and natural, as well as supporting institutions and information systems as essential for sustaining economic growth, building jobs, reducing inequality, sustaining vital ecosystem services, and managing floods and droughts.

Transboundary Water Cooperation

GWPSA will work across sectors and administrative borders to identify solutions that can promote sustainable transboundary water resources management. We will facilitate dialogue across political jurisdictions, improve transboundary water governance, and deploy a wide range of measures to foster transboundary water cooperation.

Two Cross-Cutting Areas

In addition to the three strategic anchor areas, our work will also contribute to gender equality while promoting private sector engagement and youth participation in water resource management.

Over the 2020-2025 strategy period, we will shape and design our activities along three dimensions that together will help us maximise our impact: acting, learning, and mobilising.

  1. We catalyse action and implementation

The actions of GWPSA’s multi-stakeholder partnerships support improved water governance so that communities and countries manage water for people’s health, economic development, and environmental sustainability.

  1. We learn, communicate, and share knowledge

PSA creates and communicates information about Integrated Water Resource Management, accessing climate finance, project preparation, and more, which contributes to improved water governance and investment and, ultimately, water security. Together with our partners, we provide knowledge resources and capacity-building activities for solving water problems.

  1. We mobilise stakeholder engagement to achieve water security

Institutional partners are the basis of GWPSA’s multi-stakeholder partnership. We believe that a strong and diverse partnership can bring about the changes needed to achieve a water-secure Africa.

Photo credit: Johannes Rapprich via Pexels