News & Events

/ West Africa

Sustainable management of shared aquifers

Experts from Member States, Transboundary Basin Organizations and Regional Organizations work together to build capacity and define strategic and operational actions to be implemented.
/ West Africa

Mekrou 2 strengthens capacities of stakehlders for IWRM implementation

As part of the implementation of the Mekrou phase 2 Niger project's capacity-building plan, a training course on the manufacture and use of improved stoves was held on Thursday and Friday 6 and 7 April 2023 in Belandè. The two-day course brought together some 20 participants from Boumba, Falmey and Belandè.
/ West Africa

VFDM provides training on impact-based flood forecasting products and the Integrated Bulletin

Côte d'Ivoire's economic capital hosted a training workshop for stakeholders from the Volta basin on impact-based flood forecasting products and the Bulletin integrated into the myDewetra-VOLTALARM platform. The event was held from 12 to 16 June 2023 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Water and Forests, who was represented at the official ceremony by Colonel Major Lucien KOUASSI, Director General of Forests and Wildlife of Côte d'Ivoire.
/ West Africa

Launch of phase 3 of the Ton Futur Ton Climat project in the commune of Tanguieta in northern Benin: a winning bet for CWP-Benin and its partners

A few weeks after the closing workshop for phase 2 of the TONFUTURTONCLIMAT project in Tanguiéta, the Kaba Hotel in Natitingou hosted the launch workshop for the "Strengthening Climate Resilience and Water Security for Young People and Women for Sustainable Management of the Tchoutchoubou River in the Pendjari sub-basin of Benin" project on Tuesday 30 May 2023.
/ West Africa

Tonfuturtonclimat, making young people key actors for water security and climate resilience at local level

"Young people are a very important force for both sustainable development and rational management of water resources. In the West African sub-region, this force is very under-used. GWP is therefore working with organisations at regional and sub-regional levels as well as youth movements to make their voices heard so that they are more involved and sustained in the decision-making processes of the water sector, in the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, of the SDG #6 in the West African region. Young people are the successors of tomorrow, and nothing can or should be done without them”.
/ West Africa

Floods and droughts in the Volta Basin, VFDM project trains basin country officials on end-to-end forecasting and early warning processes

The populations of the Volta Basin are vulnerable to the risks of floods and droughts, which cause a lot of damage every year. In response to the annual threats and to enable countries to have the technical capacity to cope, the Volta Flood and Drought Management (VFDM) project entitled ''Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin'' has set up a training programme from June 2019 to mid-2024.