
All the WACREP videos are listed below, to view one simply click on the link. 

This educational video is an effort of Sri Lanka Water Partnershipon ways to adapt to climate change targeting the Sri Lankan farmers, who conduct irrigated agriculture (in Sinhala).   



India Water Partnership documented a story on

eight districts of Maharashtra which were the worst hit by drought in 2013. This story talks about the simple water harvesting techniques followed by institutions and communities in those dry lands of Maharashtra.

By 2050 average temperatures in North East India will rise by two degrees. The rainy season will shrink but the volume of rain every day will rise. Failed crops, more floods and landslides, depleted biodiversity and scarce drinking water seem likely. Can the traditional coping systems of Meghalaya's tribes help adapt to climate change?

The Institute for Development Initiative in collaboration with IWP took initiative to document the successful experiment of rejuvenating one of the traditional water harvesting systems led by Dargah Committee and the community.