Update on the Youth and water Programmme

The implementation committee of the youth project in Togo organized a press conference on Tuesday, October 27 to introduce the National White Paper. The event took place in the presence of representatives of the government, development partners, youth organizations and the media. It was an opportunity to initiate other actions, particularly with the Delegation of the European Union in Togo to support the dissemination of the white paper after the COY11.


The activities of the Youth for Water continue with the preparation of young delegates for their participation at the COP 21 so they can draft the White Paper to pave the way to bringing the voices of young people, but especially to help conduct more concrete actions such as creating monitoring indicators. In West Africa 2 young from Benin and one from Burkina Faso will take part. As a reminder, national consultations were held in Burkina Faso, Togo and Benin and have produced shared diagnoses and concerted proposals on the inclusion and the role that the youth can play in water governance and food security in the context of climate change.