WACDEP Burkina, produces of the demonstration project

The populations of Ramitenga harvested on August 25, 2015 the corn grown on the demonstration site of the drip irrigation project. The quantity harvested has suffered damage caused by migratory birds that decimated almost 30% of the crops. According to the WACDEP Regional Manager, "the demonstration site was at that time the only place where birds could have something to eat, which accentuated their aggressiveness despite all the actions undertaken by project beneficiaries to hunt them."

The harvested corn was sold to three women. The harvest of the day was sold at 30.000FCFA (about €50) due to 200F for 7 corn spikes. 1050 spikes were sold out of 1216 harvested. The rest was given by the President of the association to encourage the women who participated in the harvesting (5 spikes to each woman).
This sale only concerned the small part of 0.8 ha exploited.

To better prepare for the next season a schedule has been established as follows:
• 15 September 2015: Cleaning of the site
• 1st October 2015: onion nursery and okra growing
• 15 November 2015: transplanting onions,
• March and April 2016: Onion harvesting and growing corn,
• April 2016: Eggplant nursery,
• May 2016: Transplanting eggplant.

This program is temporary and will be finalized by the technical services with the support of CWP-BF.