IUCN Photography Consultancy: Generation of High-Quality Biodiversity & Livelihoods Image Stock for Grenada

The Regional Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-ORMACC) is seeking professional services for the generation of professional photography stock of Grenada’s biodiversity and livelihoods.

IUCN is therefore hiring a professional photographer with special equipment to capture details and specific aspects of Grenada, such as: terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (their endemic and characteristic fauna and flora), livelihoods developed in or around protected areas, plastic leakage/littering, and activities that address reduction of marine pollution. This requires special lenses, filters and the experience of a professional in this area, with the ability to capture high quality images to reinforce the messages that are transmitted through the projects’ communication products.

The consultancy will be for the period of one (1) month between June and July 2019. The application deadline is June 24th, 2019. Download the Terms of Reference for the Consultancy here, to get all required details.