As part of the Asia-Pacific Water Scarcity Programme (WSP), the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) convened the second National Multidisciplinary Team (NMT) Meeting online on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Seventy-six members from various ministries and organizations participated in the webinar to review the progress of the WSP and discuss the updated framework for the Water Scarcity Action Plan (WSAP).
On May 31, 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Lao PDR, represented by the CREWS Project's Focal Point, and GWP SEA, through the GWP Lao PDR, held a Hybrid Kick-off Meeting on the Development of Drought Management and IWRM Action Plan at the Vientiane Plaza Hotel in Lao PDR.
On 17 May 2024, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology (MOWRAM) represented by the Focal Point of the CREWS Project and GWP SEA through the GWP Cambodia organised the Alignment and Kick-off Meeting on the Cambodia Drought Management Action Plan (Component 1 of the CREWS Project) at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh City.
To increase the country's capacity to take practical steps to address and manage water scarcity under the pressure of rapid population growth and in a changing climate, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and Ministry of Public Works and Housing held the Water Accounting Roadmap (WARM) third workshop.
On June 6th, 2024, Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA) held its 5th webinar series of Innovative Solutions for Water Secure and Sustainable Development webinar series, focusing on the Global Rainwater Management Program with 55 attendees online.
In commemoration of World Water Day 2024 and to support the 10th World Water Forum, GWP Indonesia is holding a series of activities through the 5th Indonesian Water Forum. The series of activity started by multi-stakeholders’ consultation in collaboration with Ministry of Public Work of Indonesia and The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.
The Asia Pacific Water Scarcity Programme (WSP) has been implementing core activities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam over the past year. FAO is bringing together all technical stakeholders involved in the WSP for a Regional Technical Workshop on Water Scarcity to take stock of progress, review the WSP approach, and gain stakeholder insights on the best ‘way forward.’
The SDG 6.5.1 Support Program is GWP’s flagship program aimed at assisting the national SDG 6.5.1. Focal Points in the organisation and facilitation of multi-stakeholder consultation on SDG Indicator 6.5.1, also known as Stage 1 support. The second stage is designed to facilitate the development of an Action Plan or similar in response to the identified challenges in Stage 1. Lastly, Stage 3 has an objective to support the implementation of the selected actions.