/ Southeast Asia

New Publication on Floods in the Mekong River Basin

This research summarize flood characteristics and impacts on communities in various places in the Mekong river basin through the year of existing records, with total 50 pages worth to read. Keywords: new publication, Climate Change, flood, Mekong, Transboundary River Basin
/ China, Southeast Asia

An Inter-regional Joint Proposal Development for Lancang-Mekong River Basin

Dali, 20 December 2018 -- Taking place back to back with the Workshop on Flood Control and Drought Relief Technology of Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation that was held between 17-20 December, the 2 days workshop provided the participants with a basic skills on carried out a shared vision planning to support the development of joint proposal development for Lancang-Mekong River Basin. Keywords: #sharedVisionPlanning, #TransboundaryRiverBasin, #Lancang-Mekong
/ Southeast Asia

34th Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia Regional Steering Committee Meeting

Phnom Penh, 11 December 2018 -- The two days Regional Steering Committee Meeting was held to discussed several topics, among others: the accreditation of Country Water Partnership, namely Cambodia WP, Thailand WP, and Lao-PDR WP; Locally raise fund; distribution of GWP’s seed fund; improvement of Operational and Capacity (OPCAP) status; and preparation of the new GWP-SEA chairman. Keywords: GWP-SEA, Regional Meeting, Partnership
/ Southeast Asia

Evaluation of causes of a massive land subsidence and ef-fectiveness of measures to control of them in Jakarta and other cities

Jakarta, 27 November 2018 -- A discussion to evaluate the cause of land subsidence in Jakarta was held in the Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia premises. Several experts from various technical background were presented their findings. The discussion divided into 3 session, namely: to understand the factors behind the caused of land subsidence, to understand the effects of land subsidence, and mitigation efforts. keywords: Jakarta, Land subsidence, groundwater extraction
/ Southeast Asia

Town-Watching Training of Trainers (TOT) - Malaysia Country Water Partnership

Jakarta, 06 November 2018 -- Town-Watching Training of Trainers (TOT) Training Workshop on Flood Preparation - Community Safety Map During the Flood was successfully organized by Malaysia Country Water Partnership and the Global Environment Center on 31 October 2018 in Melaka. -- Keywords: community empowerment, flood risk management, training of trainer, Malaysia Country Water Partnership, IWRM
/ Southeast Asia

Experts Discussion on the Role of Regulation for The Right to Water in Indonesia

Jakarta, 29 October 2018 -- Following the success of the 1st the multi-stakeholder position paper on the human well-being theme for the Water Resources Law Draft of the Republic of Indonesia that has been accepted by the parliament, another workshop focus more on sanitation infrastructure was held to receive feedback and comments from the water and sanitation experts.
/ Global, Southeast Asia

Regional Shared Vision Planning & Collaborative Modelling Training and Workshop for the Mekong River Basin

Vientiane, 24 October 2018 -- The Mekong River Commission (MRC), Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWP SEA), and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) successfully organized a regional shared vision and collaborative modelling workshop for the Mekong River Basin. Keywords: transboundary river basin, Mekong River Basin, multi-stakeholders platform, regional shared vision planning, collaborative modelling, IWRM, participation, team building, decision support system.
/ Southeast Asia

2018 Pre Steering Committee Meeting

Vientiane, 22 October 2018 -- A pre Steering Commitee Meeting was held in the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat on 22 October 2018 to discuss several important agenda for the upcoming event in the Q4. Involving 13 participants that represent the Country Water Partnership's Chair, GWP SEA Chairman and the Secretariat, as well as GWPO representatives, this event was back to back with the Regional Shared Vision Planning & Collaborative Modelling Training and Workshop which also held in Vientiane, Lao PDR.