GWP-SEA and GWP Indonesia Lead the Thematic Discussion on the topic of Cooperation and Hydro Diplomacy During the 10th World Water Forum Kick-Off Meeting

The 10th World Water Forum “Water for Shared Prosperity” Kick-Off Meeting facilitated several discussions on six topics of water management through thematic and regional processes at the Jakarta Convention Center. As the host for the 10th World Water Forum that will be held in Bali on 18-24 May 2024, the Government of Indonesia facilitated the first kick-off meeting (stakeholders consultation meeting) on 15-16 February 2023, attended by policymakers, academics, practitioners, and associations operating in and related to the water sector.

Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA) and Global Water Partnership (GWP) Indonesia (Kemitraan Air Indonesia) successfully led the topic of Cooperation and Hydro Diplomacy and it presented the discussion result during the closing session.  Act as the moderator Dr Mochamad Amron from the National Water Saving Partnership Movement (GNKPA) who is also the chairman of GWP Indonesia and Mr Mohamed Fawzi Bedredine, Project Regional Coordinator, Senegal River Basin Organization (OMVS) led the discussion. Mr. Fany Wedahuditama, GWP-SEA Regional Coordinator acted as a rapporteur.

The participants were grouped into 5 to discuss the keywords for the topic of Cooperation and Hydro-Diplomacy.  One of the group rapporteurs, Mr Remy Kinna from UNECE (Water Convention Secretariat) presented their findings who grouping the relevant keywords into 5 topics. The 1st is ‘fact-based action for cooperation and hydro diplomacy consisting of evidence-based advocacy, data sharing, openness and trust-building, equality, efficiency, accessible systems and platforms. The 2nd is ‘enhancing institutional mechanism for water governance’ consisted of clearly defined mechanisms for cooperation, institutional strengthening, inter-sectoral cooperation, platforms for cooperation, observatory for non-conventional water, multi-stakeholder participation, and sustainable financing for cooperation. The 3rd topic is ‘developing/ strengthening laws and agreements for cooperation’ which consists of regulations, national laws, treaties, basin agreements, regional agreements, and promoting accession to UN Global Water Conventions (1992 Water Convention, 1997 Watercourses Convention). The 4th topic is ‘enhance transboundary and cross-border cooperation’ consisting of international and sub-national, shared basins, surface and groundwater, non-conventional water sources, and global exchanges. The last topic is ‘building knowledge and capacity for cooperation and hydro-diplomacy, which includes knowledge generation and dissemination, capacity building, education and sensibilization, and a focus on youth and community. The other 4 groups also share almost similar views with only a few different keywords.

Since the outcome of this thematic discussion is to get a prioritized topic for the main event in 2024, under Mr Fany's guidance, all the groups’ findings were grouped into 6 in particular: Cross-sectoral dialogue and cooperation, Inclusive and fair collaboration based on consensus, Inclusive Transboundary Water Cooperation based on applicable international water law, Stakeholder communication, Equitable utilization and not to cause significant harm and effective dispute resolution mechanism, and Transparency and Integrity (cross-cutting topic). (AW)

The most prioritized topic for cooperation and hydro-diplomacy