News and Activities

Below are news articles on GWP Southeast Asia as well as news items on activities of its country water partnership and partners.
/ Southeast Asia

The 3RD Asia-Pacific Water Summit (APWS) Strengthens Multi-Stakeholders Approach To Achieve Water Secure World

Water is the interconnector of all other sectors; Therefore, it is not possible to support sectors development without understanding the role of water as one of the important development foundation. As important as it is, water is still considered as social goods and do not have value by development actors. This condition has created a very complex challenge for the development of water sector itself. In Asia Pacific region, the complexities of water challenges then urged the establishment of The Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) in Asia Pacific region.
/ Southeast Asia

Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach

On 28 September 2016, the CamboWP conducted Awareness Raising on Basin Management Approach with 18 participants who are Commune Council Members, Village Leaders and Deputy Leaders and Villagers of the Baray Commune which is located in the Mekong Floodplain.