IDMP, pilot demonstration projects in the move

 In Burkina Faso, the work is in progress on the second site in the village of Komki after the first one was abandoned because of some land dispute in the village of Baragho. These works include establishing the topographical boundaries of the site, training of beneficiaries by the CWP Project officer for the materialization of the fence, installation of the fence and mobilization of beneficiaries for digging holes.

A summary study of the current site is done to characterize the soil, and the floristic inventory of the site is made as well as the GPS coordinates of the inventoried trees. There is possibility of collaborating with the DHI Group, an international firm specializing in hydraulic and hydrologic modeling on several activities including the production of maps (satellite images) for monitoring vegetation cover, soil and the complete time series (from 2007 to date) of the index NDVI (Normalized Differential Vegetation Index) over the study area and the soil moisture index and rainfall detected by satellite. These actions will also help to assess the satellite performance on this scale.

In Mali, the pilot project activities of Gouendo have been ooficially launched on May 21, 2016 with the local authorities after the training of actors and local operators on the technical realization and management of project activities in the targeted villages on 14 and 15 May 2016.

In Niger, The adjustments made on the site include the finalization of the 2 garden wells, installation of 401 ml (linear meters) of wire fence, installation of 200 ml Californian irrigation network, 7 distribution ponds dug and a nursery is being achieved to protect the site by biological means.