From October 19-21, ReNOKA is joining the policymakers, academics, and water practitioners at the 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium at Sun City Conference Centre in Rustenburg, South Africa where they will unpack the regional issues and gaps in water management and identify priorities that require further research and support.
Subsistence farmers, the urban poor, and fishers are the most vulnerable groups affected by climate risks in Malawi, and urgent adaptation measures are required, according to a report on Integration of Water Security into Nationally Determined Contributions in Malawi.
Communities living along Metsimotlhabe River in Botswana are excited with a climate-resilient Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) project that seeks to strengthen their resolve against effects of climate change and improve their livelihoods.
The Global Water Partnership Southern Africa and Africa Coordination (GWPSA-Africa) wishes to congratulate the Zambian Government on the unveiling of a solid 2023 National Budget.
The 23rd WaterNet/WARFSA/GWPSA Symposium will be held at Sun City Conference Centre, in the North West province, South Africa and online on 19 – 21 October 2022, under the theme, “Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in East and Southern Africa”.
Integrative and inclusive investment project planning at the transboundary and regional levels is critical in the response to challenges and catalysing development in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. This was one of the key issues raised at the transboundary water management session convened by the Lesotho ICM project and Partners at the Stockholm World Water Week (WWW) on 30 August in Stockholm, Sweden.
The Government of Eswatini has applauded the use of an integrated approach to planning and implementation of projects in the water, energy and food sectors, stating that this would help accelerate the pace at which meaningful development would be achieved.
The Global Water Partnership Malawi took the conversation on water and sanitation in developing countries to the global stage when it discussed at the World Water Week in Stockholm, the need for WASH project implementers to involve all stakeholders, including project beneficiaries, in the identification of solutions to the challenges being faced.
H.M. King Letsie III of Lesotho said that it is critical for world leaders to make a concerted effort to secure Africa’s water supply and mitigate all factors that jeopardise water and its sources. H.M. Letsie III was addressing the International High-Level Panel for Water Investments in Africa Event during on World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden on 30th August.
Formal declaration by the Government of Senegal on the inauguration of the Expert Advisory Group for the International High-Level Panel on Water Investments for Africa. The declaration was read by Mohammed Diatta on behalf of Hon. Serigne Mbaye THIAM, Minister of Water and Sanitation for the Republic of Senegal, at the High Level Panel Event during Stockholm World Water Week on 30 August 2022.