The “Water Salon Insight—Water and Hydropower Development in China” reflects an insight of hydropower development in China as China has good hydropower resources that are ready to be developed to help the country deal with climate change, adjust its energy mix and ensure energy security to support stable socio-economic development. And Hydropower is considered as a clean and renewable energy because it does not significantly contribute to the emissions of conventional pollutants or greenhouse gases. The country also has great hydropower potential. Currently it has only developed about 63.8% of its hydropower resources. Thus, China clearly needs to further develop its hydropower resources. The urgent issues, according to the Insight, include that “Too little attention is given to the negative environmental impacts of hydropower development”, “China must study the environmental impacts of hydropower development”, “Hydropower development plans must not endanger the country’s environmental security”, “China needs a national hydropower development plan that is coordinated with local economic growth”, “Improve oversight of the construction and operation of hydropower plants to ensure the environment is protected” and “The public and NGOs should be involved in the development of hydropower projects”.
The full version of the Insight is available to read or download from GWP China regional website or wechat media platform.

Water Salon Launches the First“Water Salon Insight“
Late September,Water Salon had its first output“Water Salon Insight—Water and Hydropower Development in China” along with media platform “wechat” launched to the public. As the follow-up of the first activity of Water Salon, jointly organized by GWP China, WRI, WWF and IUCN, was completed in April, 2015, Water Salon Insight works as a visible media interacting government, experts and the people to discuss the common interests in water related fields.