Impact Stories

What does GWP do? It works for the sustainable management of the world’s water resources, from local to global level. We are “ambassadors” for water, speaking up for the resource itself, stepping in and facilitating change that will improve the way water is managed and used. 

We also provide the technical tools - through our publications and online GWP ToolBox - needed by water managers to implement best practice. 

In this section we publish stories that show where and how GWP has made an impact on water resources management - tangible evidence of 20 years of work around the globe.

Advancing Alternative Water Supply Solutions in the Mediterranean

Partnership for Water and Sanitation in Karachi

Facilitating the Creation of a National IWRM Plan in Botswana

Improved Health and Food Security in Armenia

Enhancing Climate Resilience in Burundi-Rwanda Transboundary Catchment

Unlocking Water Investments in Zambia

Implementing Water Sector Reform in The Gambia

An Action Plan for Water Management in Mali