Ensuring mutual understanding among all key stakeholders on MDG 6.5.1 on IWRM and agreeing on the results of the progress of IWRM implementation in the MDG 6.5.1 questionnaire, were the objectives of the workshop dedicated to the people designated as contacts for SDG 6.5.1 indicator in Congo, held on 17 April 2018. Organized by the Congo Country Water Partnership (CWP) in collaboration with the GWP-CAf and chaired by the Director General of Hydraulics (DGH) of the Republic of Congo, the workshop brought together more than 25 participants from the presidency of the Republic, government ministries involved in water resources management, research institutions, the body of the Congo Basin, technical and financial partner agencies, civil society organizations.
The process of completing the country questionnaire evaluation grids in Congo followed the same procedure adopted by Uganda during the piloting phase. The 6.5.1. methodology was discussed step by step. Following the discussions at the workshop, it was noted that all the legal texts cited as justification do not clearly define IWRM. In the light of the discussions, it was established that IWRM governance in Congo is structurally weak, characterized by the lack of a clear IWRM policy and legislative framework. A roadmap has therefore been designed to monitor progress in the implementation of MDG 6.5.1 to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders. This roadmap includes various tools that will enable the design of an action plan to follow-up the progress of the implementation of the ODD 6.5.1 indicator.
After group and plenary discussions, participants gave conclusions structured around four pillars of IWRM: "Enabling Environment", "Institutions and Participation", "Management Instruments" and "Financing". They also recommended that the MEH establish a roadmap for monitoring progress in the implementation of MDD 6.5.1. Expressing the MEH's commitment to continuously monitor IWRM progress in the country, the Chair of the CWP of Congo, concluded by stating, "We must all work together to coordinate the implementation and monitoring of the SDG 6.5.1. in Congo". He closed the meeting by thanking the various participants for their active involvement in achieving the objectives set at the beginning of the day.